Home office desk with sevral folders on the desk and some binders on a shelf behind the desk.

To Organize Your Home Office

Sarah Soliz Document Management

Whether you use your home office for homework, video calls, or paying bills, you want it to be functional, comfortable, and orderly. Check out these tips to organize your home office and create a space you actually want to spend time in.

Sort Through Your Desk

The first step to take when organizing your home office is to sort through your desk drawers and boxes and throw away any old paperwork, knickknacks, and used-up old office supplies. You should also return any items in your office that belong in other rooms of your home. That way, you’re starting your organization project with a clean working environment.

Maximize the Space

Even if you’re working with very little space, you can still organize your home office. Consider under-the-chair hanging baskets to store excess papers and notebooks and use separate storage bins to keep track of things like mail and bills. Use drawer organizers to organize office supplies and make the most of limited drawer space.

Use Your Wall Space

Wall space isn’t just for decorating; it’s an important tool when organizing your home office. Try hanging a calendar for a visual reminder of your schedule or wall storage bins for easy access to frequently used supplies or paperwork.  

Organize Your Home Office by Color Coding

Looking for an easy and visually appealing way to organize your home office supplies? Use a color-coding system for important documents, such as contact information, receipts, and tax forms. File folders and tabs in a variety of colors work well for this task. Once you set up your color-coding system, make sure you inform everyone in your household who has access to these documents so the system can be upheld.

Install Shelving

Shelves are a great way to maintain a clean desk and keep track of books, papers, and folders, especially if you don’t like to throw things away. If you’re working with limited space, try floating shelves to free up floor space. If you have a little more room, consider a shelving unit containing cubbies for extra storage options.

Get Started Today

When organizing your home office, start small so that you don’t become overwhelmed. If you de-clutter a little at a time and keep at it, pretty soon your home office will be a space the whole family can use and enjoy.