Simplifying Computer Security

Sarah Soliz Security

Consumers are deluged with an array of computer security terminology, coming from a variety of channels. Moreover, some of the questions facing modern computer users are which antivirus brands are the best, which programs or apps are secure, and which websites are safe. To complicate the matter, websites often post conflicting information on similar topics that can hinder resolutions. A …

Why Effective Document Management is Crucial for Small Businesses

egadmin Document Management

Provided By: Bplans According to the Association for Information and Image Management International, document management is: “The use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information captured through the use of a document scanner.” In short, document management is a digital method of scanning, storing, and tracking all necessary …

Benefits Of Document Scanning For Businesses

Sarah Soliz Scanning Documents

Provided By: Business2Community Businesses should always be looking for opportunities to become more efficient and reduce costs. One simple way of doing this is to digitize your paper documents. Document Scanning is an efficient option for businesses for a wide variety of reasons. Here are just five examples. More Office Space Document scanning can transform your office, reducing the amount …

Shred what? The Importance of Shredding Personal Documents

Sarah Soliz Shredding

Provided By: Central Bank Shred your personal paperwork to protect your identity. Even as paperless technology becomes more popular, there are still times and places that you’ll receive actual paper documents. That raises the big question: What should I do with this paperwork? All of our documents have their own lifespans for when you need to keep them handy. But …

5 Benefits of Decluttering for the Small Business Owner

Sarah Soliz Uncategorized

The decluttering trend has gained traction among homeowners, leading many to downsize their lives and their possessions. But the advantages of decluttering go far beyond the four walls of your home – if you own a small business, you might want to take the lessons you have learned and bring them to the office. Decluttering at your desk has many …

Why Secure Deletion Software Isn’t a Comprehensive Media Destruction Solution

Sarah Soliz Uncategorized

Every business needs a standardized process for media destruction. Many managers assume that secure erasure software offers a cost-effective means of protecting sensitive data — and for individual files, that’s mostly true. Software can overwrite data on a bit level, permanently preventing data recovery.  But while secure file deletion software certainly plays an important role in data security, physical media …

Budgeting Tips You Can Use as a New Business Owner

Sarah Soliz Uncategorized

Upon starting a business, one of the main areas that are critical to your initial growth is budgeting. Being able to manage expenses at your business can set you off on the right foot. How do you manage expenses and maintain a friendly budget when starting out? Here are applicable tips you can use to help budget as a new …

Maintaining Business Focus in an Ever-Noisy World

Sarah Soliz Uncategorized

If you’ve ever watched athletes line up on the track before a 100-yard sprint, you’ll notice the level of focus on their faces. The stadium could be packed to the brim, noise blaring from all corners, but each runner’s attention is squarely on the track ahead. That’s the same approach you ought to employ when running your business. As a …

Identity Theft 101 – Know Your Risks

Sarah Soliz Uncategorized

Identity theft has been on the rise in recent years, and becoming a victim can leave you fighting to recover your good name.  Recovering from identity theft can be both time consuming and expensive, so prevention is definitely the best approach.  Part of preventing identity theft is understanding where those risks lie and how to avoid them.  By knowing your …